“It’s all about bringing people together. This is a fantastic opportunity for Macedonian business professionals to meet in an environment where they can learn from each other, build relationships, and invest in themselves.” said Susan Niczowski, Founder of Summer Fresh Salads and Macedonia 2025 Board Member.
Toronto symbolizes an exciting start that could lead to other regional networking events throughout North America in 2010. Our goal is to provide the Diaspora with an opportunity to strengthen and improve linkages in the Macedonian community worldwide.
Macedonians have been living in North America for over a hundred years. Over time Macedonians have successfully integrated themselves to be a key contributor to the cultural, social and economic mosaic of North America. “Macedonia 2025 is an acknowledgement that Macedonia’s strengths and resources reach well beyond its boarders and into the new countries where the Macedonian Diaspora now call home.” said Mitre Kutanovski President of Macedonia 2025.
The Macedonia 2025 Business and Professionals Association will provide an unparalleled experience where young professionals will be able to receive first hand knowledge and advice from very accomplished, seasoned and respected North American business leaders.
To purchase your membership and register for the cocktail reception please complete the registration form and return it to deyan@macedonia2025.com or by fax to 416-341-2494
To open the registration form please click here.